Cloud File storage
Our independent cloud space is available 24/7 and uses RAID 1 for instant backup.
The cloud service aims to provide an independent space for customers to conveniently store and browse their documents at any time. Customers will also have separate login accounts and passwords.
Why choose?
We will store the company's legal documents in a separate space assigned to the customer. Customers can obtain copies of the company's registration documents online anytime and anywhere.
These include:
Certificate of Incorporation (CI), Business Registration Certificate (BR), Articles of Association (AA), Incorporation Form (NNC1), etc.
In addition, when customer emails arrive at our office, we will instantly scan them to the cloud space. Customers can access it instantly without having to take transportation to our office or wait for express delivery to their home.
If the client is also an accounting or auditing client of our company. Copies of relevant documents will also be uploaded to cloud space for storage.
Tax records such as tax assessment notices, payment notices and other tax documents will also be placed in an independent cloud space.
The cloud service aims to provide an independent space for customers to conveniently store and browse their documents at any time.
If the customer uses it for other purposes other than company operations, the service contract may be immediately terminated.
*Subject to our terms and conditions
Usage restrictions
Our cloud services facilitate our customers’ company operations
to ensure the company receives the latest news
rather than just providing storage space
What is the difference?
Supports desktop versions of web browsers (eg: Edge, Chrome, FireFox)
You can also use the exclusive mobile app (Supported: iOS and Android)
Log in directly to browse and download company documents.